Phonics Demonstration Morning for Parents

It was wonderful to welcome parents to our Read Write Inc phonics demonstration morning at Ashbrook today. Mr Ainscow introduced the morning and talked through our well-planned approach, supporting children on their journey to become confident readers.

Mrs Sykes, our phonics lead was joined by Miss Woolridge (Leopards teacher), Mrs Cameron (SEND teaching assistant) and Miss Hodgkins (Lions teacher). Each of the adults welcomed children to come into the hall to showcase their amazing learning.

Parents were able to see how we start with teaching initial sounds and how this develops into blending sounds and decoding words. Some groups showed how they transfer their reading skills and knowledge to support independent writing and the final group read speedily, using their ‘Fred in the head’ skills and they finished off with long, multi syllabic words.

The presentation is available for parents to access via the ‘curriculum’ drop down menu and ‘reading’. Alternatively you can follow the link here.