School Uniform
In the summer term 2024 we launched our OPAL project, which puts an emphasis on the importance of Outdoor Play and Learning. Children spend 20% of their school week outside and we aim to make the most of every moment. To accommodate this, we will have a phased change to the uniform expectations. Our school uniform remains, however there will be the option for children to come to school in black jogging bottoms or black shorts and to wear black trainers instead of school shoes.Â
We are conscious that children will be playing on the grass, sliding, climbing and accessing more creative and sometimes messy play, so clothing which is less expensive and easier to wash will help. We will also ask that all children at school have a named pair of wellies and a named waterproof jacket in school for breaktimes and outdoor play (These will need to remain in school at all times). As the weather changes, we will continue to access the outdoor spaces so will make use of more appropriate clothing.
As part of our uniform policy, please be aware that we only require either a jumper or a cardigan to be branded with our school logo. All other uniform can be purchased from other outlets.
Our uniform is:
- Ashbrook logo jade green jumper or cardigan (required)
- White or jade green polo shirt (required)
- Grey trousers, jogging bottoms skirt (required) or pinafore (optional)
- Green gingham dress for warmer weather (optional)
- White or grey socks (required)
- Black shoes/trainers - buckles or Velcro if your child is unable to tie laces (required). We do NOT recommend the wearing of boots as these are very uncomfortable for our children when sitting/working on the floor.
- Wellington boots in a named bag to be kept in school.
Children come to school wearing PE kit on the days specified for PE and or any sporting events.
Our PE Kit is:
- Jade green t-shirt (required)
- Black PE shorts (required)
- Black sweatshirt or hoodie for outdoor PE (required) Please ensure this is plain and does not contain any logos
- Black jogging bottoms for colder weather (required)
- Trainers for outdoor PE (required)
On the days that we may have slight rain, children will still continue their PE outside so it is advisable that a waterproof jacket is sent in with your child. Children can also choose to wear hats and gloves (weather and activity dependant).
NO earrings to be worn or must be taped up before coming to school. Long hair must be tied back for PE.
Please mark all items of clothing and footwear with your child’s name.
Ashbrook School uniform is available in store or online from Maisies, 60/64 Church Street, Wolverton MK12 5JW. Telephone 01908 313313 Online at