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Odds Socks Day: Celebrating Uniqueness Through Mismatched Socks
“It’s the world socks day. We should wear socks that are not the same. We are all different. We can try different things too – I like being different!” [Kavi, Year 2].
Today, children and staff kicked off Anti-Bullying Week by participating in Odd Socks Day, a fun event encouraging everyone to wear mismatched socks. The idea behind the day is simple: wearing different socks helps us think about celebrating and accepting differences. Odd Socks Day reminds us that, just like our colourful and unique socks, each of us is different and special in our own way.
“It’s anti-bullying! Our socks are different just like we’re different and it’s good to be different sometimes. It means… It’s you! People are made as they are”. [Ava, Year 2]
By embracing this small act, we’re encouraged to show kindness and respect to each other, building a school community where everyone feels valued and included. This special day sends a powerful message: being different is something to be celebrated, not judged.
“If we would all be the same with the same look then we wouldn’t know who is who. The best thing is that we all have different names!” [Smaragda, Year 1]
“It’s good to be different. It’s boring when we all like the same things”.