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School Disco

October 23 @ 15:00 - 17:00

We are pleased to tell you that tickets for our end of half term disco on Wednesday 23 October are now available to buy on MCAS in ‘Products – Events’.

There will be a disco and lots of fun party games. Children will also be provided with a drink and a snack. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns regarding allergies.

Timings will be as follows:
• Children in Leopards and Elephants classes will be going straight to the hall at 3.00pm. After the disco, please collect your child at 4.00pm prompt from the school playground.

• Children in Year 1 and Year 2 – Please collect your child from the school playground at 3.10pm as usual and return them for the party at 4.00pm. Entry will be via the school hall doors. When the party has finished, please collect your child from the school hall doors at 5.00pm prompt.

Please note this event is for children attending Ashbrook School only. If you have any queries please contact mmoore@ashbrookschool.net 01908 561366.