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Foundation Trip to Woburn Safari Park

June 24, 2024 @ 08:40 - 15:10

We are excited to inform you that a visit to Woburn Safari Park has been scheduled for the Foundation children on Monday 24th June 2024.

This visit has been planned to enhance our learning of habitats and life cycles in our Understanding of the World lessons, during the summer term. Children will get the chance to observe a wide variety of wild animals, including lions, giraffes, zebras, and many more. The visit promises to be an exciting and educational experience and we cannot wait to see the joy on the children’s faces as they explore the wonders of the animal kingdom.

The departure from school will be at 9.15am, and we aim to return by 2.30pm, travelling both ways by coach.

To cover the cost of the trip, we are asking for a voluntary contribution of £22 per child, in line with the Governors charging policy, which includes coach travel and entry to the park for the day.

Please give your permission and make your payment via your ParentMail account by Monday 17th June 2024 at the latest.  Please go to ‘Payments’ and then select ‘Shop’ at the bottom of the screen. There is an option to pay in four instalments if this is easier for you.

It is important to note that no child will be excluded due to inability or unwillingness to pay. However, if the contributions received are not enough to cover the cost, the trip may be cancelled.

All children will require a disposable packed lunch and disposable water bottle.

If you have ordered any of the menu options on Parentpay for Monday 24 June, your child will automatically be provided with a cheese roll packed lunch to take with them.  If you would prefer your child to bring a packed lunch from home please cancel your selection.

If you have not ordered a school meal for this day, please send in a packed lunch from home, including a drink (no glass bottles, sweets or chocolates) in a named carrier bag, which will all be thrown away after lunch.

On the day of the visit, your child must be in full school uniform with trainers/comfortable shoes.  Please apply sun cream before school and ensure that your child has a named sun hat.

Children will not need any spending money.

If you have any further questions or concerns about the trip, please contact us.

Thank you for your continued support.