Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Useful Documents
Our SENDCO at Ashbrook School is Trupti Karavadra.
01908 561366 tkaravadra@iftl.co.uk
Ashbrook School strives to provide an inclusive, quality education for all our pupils, including those identified as having special educational needs and disability (SEND) to provide them with the knowledge and cultural capital needed to succeed in life.
As a school, we believe they have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum that is engaging and accessible and provides an opportunity to be part of every aspect of school life.
Children may join us with SEND already identified. Others may be identified as potentially needing support that is ‘additional to and different from’ the provision available to all through the graduated response structure, teacher observation and assessment. In some cases, children will be provided with a personalised learning plan, which will be developed to support the child in meeting their outcome targets, particularly for those with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Teachers will be expected to participate in the development of these plans to ensure the opportunity for inclusive learning is upheld. Â Where appropriate class teachers, with support from the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, (SENDCo) will place a child on the SEND Register. They will then develop a formal written plan to address the child's needs in the form of a Personal Support Plan (PSP).
The PSP will be written by the class teachers, who will be advised by the school’s SENDCo. This document will include the child’s targets, strategies, interventions and arrangements that will be used to support the child’s achievement of those targets. These targets will be specific, measurable, achievable, relative and time-bound, and will be reviewed termly.
Parents and carers will always be involved and informed about placing a child on the Register and play a vital role in the review cycle. We meet with parents of children with SEND on a termly basis to review their child’s progress.
The SENDCo and Inclusion Team will be responsible for training, development and supporting staff to meet the needs of SEND pupils and will monitor the quality of provision through classroom observations, data analysis and evaluation of pupils’ work.
There is a clear expectation that the responsibility and accountability for meeting the needs of our pupils with special educational needs, lies with the class teachers through differentiation, reasonable adjustments and quality first teaching strategies. The Inclusion team and the class teacher will work together to ensure that pupils have their needs met through time-specific, tailored intervention programmes, with measurable outcomes. These pupils will be monitored by the class teachers, with support from senior leaders and the SENDCo.
The Lead SENDCo is Trupti Karavadra who is responsible for co-ordinating and working with outside agencies to support and inform the school’s provision for pupils with SEN.
Milton Keynes SEND Local Offer website and Facebook page
The MK SEND Local Offer Website and Facebook page contain all the latest national and local updates and links to activity ideas for children and families. They can be found here for more information:
Milton Keynes SEND IAS support
The Milton Keynes SEND IAS Service (formerly Milton Keynes Parent Partnership) is a statutory service offering confidential and impartial information, advice and support. The service supports children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities as well as their parents/carers. We offer information and a range of resources about the law on special educational needs and disability.