Ethos, Vision & Values

Ashbrook School actively promotes a warm, caring community where our diversity is recognised, valued and celebrated and there is a strong commitment developing a sense of belonging.

This is reflected in our school tagline:

Where Every Child Belongs: Celebrating Diversity, Creating Unity".

Our school values are:

  • Co-operation: Working together and helping each other, like sharing toys and playing as a team.
  • Respect: Thinking about how others feel and treating them nicely.
  • Caring: Being kind to friends and making sure they feel happy.
  • Patience: Waiting your turn and staying happy while you wait.
  • Perseverance: Trying again and again, even when it's tricky.
  • Responsibility: Doing your part to help, like cleaning up toys and being a good friend.

Each week the children focus on one of the school values, which are reflected on during our whole school Friday celebration assembly.

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Curriculum aims at Ashbrook

These aims are displayed in all classrooms and around the school. Our aims for the children are to be:

  • successful learners,  
  • confident individuals,  
  • effective contributors 
  • responsible citizens.  

It is important that our children understand what these aims mean and so we discuss them in assemblies and throughout the school.  


Overall Aims of our school

  • To create an inclusive culture of achievement, high standards and high expectations, where all children are appropriately supported to achieve their potential
  • To promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all of our children.
  • To enable all children to use language and mathematics effectively
  • To ensure that all children have equal access to effective teaching and learning in all areas of a rich, broad, balanced curriculum
  • To develop sensitivity, friendliness, courtesy and tolerance towards others
  • To help children develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and discuss rationally and to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding relevant to a fast changing world
  • To be a school dedicated to self-evaluation, ongoing review and continuous improvement
  • To work in partnership with parents/carers and our immediate and wider community for the greater benefit of all children’s education.


Thinking of our values and aims

Our school values support us in achieving our ambitions.  They help us to make great choices with our learning and behaviour.

It feels very special to be a part of our Ashbrook family!

Each week we focus on a particular 'school value'. Our school values link with the British Values and our PSHE/Jigsaw learning (linked to the IFtL safeguarding curriculum). They help our children to understand other people's feelings, wishes and rights.  Assembly time is used to explore our values and learning aims.  We celebrate the children's achievements in demonstrating the values on a daily basis with our stars in the jar and class rewards. These are revisited through our 'school celebration awards' presented every Friday and at the end of each half term.

Read more about our ITfL Family vision and values here: